Response to 9/08/2010 class period

10 Sep

Despite the tornado scare and lack of coffee, I learned a lot from this class session. There was a lot of information to take in, but all of it was interesting and insightful.

I knew of goals, objectives, strategies and tactics before the class, but I was not really sure about the different purposes for each one. It was interesting to find out that goals are the long-term plan and objectives are shorter term and explain what you actually want to happen.

It was useful to hear that many people want to start with tactics by figuring out whether to send a press release out, an e-mail blast and/or launch a Web site. However, if the first three: goals, objectives and strategies are not accomplished first then tactics are pointless.

It was good to get a review of the different communication theories. I agreed with and could relate to the fact that there is no such thing as the general public.  I have found that some business owners, who are old school, feel that there is such a thing, but if you go back to your goal, then you will find out that is not the case.

I learned a new term! I found out that green washing is when a company is making you think that a company is doing well for the environment, but they really aren’t. I had a feeling that not all of the companies who say they are “green” or environmentally friendly are actually doing it to benefit them.

I hope and pray that there is no rain or tornadoes next class period!

Response to 9/01/10 class period

3 Sep

I got my undergraduate degree in PR, and I have a couple of years experience practicing parts of it. Naturally, I was expecting the material to be a basic review over what I already know about the PR world. To my surprise, I actually learned a few things.

The number one thing that I did not know was which audience is the toughest to change their mind. I was surprised to find out that it is the people who don’t care. I would have guessed the people who hate you. I am not sure if I should feel embarrassed about not knowing that….

I also learned that there can be multiple objectives for various audiences. Based on my knowledge and some of my past experiences, I have thought that you should choose a specific audience with a specific objective.

I must be psychic because last week I started looking at the APR study guide before ever knowing we will be using it in this class.  I started researching about what it takes to get certified.  I am really excited about learning more about the APR certification. Regarding what was discussed about it in the lecture, I know now that the business literacy part of the guide is an area we need to know about.

I am really excited about this semester!